Hairwork Jewelry

As a child, Karen was interested in her mother’s hair brooch from Våmhus, Sweden. Years later, with many needlework projects under her belt, Karen read about the tradition of Swedish women entrepreneurs in the 1800’s who traveled from their homes in Sweden to major European urban areas to make hair jewelry for others. At the time, Karen was unaware of where this growing curiosity in hairwork would lead. Then, in 2018, supported by a Reviving Folk Arts in the Midwest Fellowship through the American Scandinavian Foundation, Karen traveled to Våmhus, Sweden, to learn how to make table-made hair jewelry. In October 2019, the Nordic Center in Duluth, MN featured an exhibition curated by Karen of hair jewelry called Woven: Traditional Swedish Hair Jewelry. As an accompaniment to this exhibition, Karen offered a course on how to make a table-made hair bracelet. Karen continues to be fascinated with hairwork and is eager to share what she knows with others. When not doing hairwork, she can be found playing flute, making and teaching pottery, or digging in the garden.

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Listen to Interview with Luke Moravec